Do you have a hidden talent?

I sat with my 13 year old Niece at the weekend, watching her create unbelievable illustrations on ProCreate and I started to think about talent and how many millions of people in the world may be sat silently on a passion/ talent because they've never had the confidence or encouragement to utilise it.


Illustration of Suzanne Pattinson, Founder of Soul Purpose Jewellery created using ProCreate by Jennah Kideer

I know from personal experience just how frustrating this can be! I always felt "creative" but never had the opportunity to explore it "properly". I did the usual... school, college, University, all the time getting very little or very POOR careers advice. I bumbled along and luckily I did stumble upon PR, which did fulfil me in many ways and gave me great experience and some amazing memories. It also gave me life skills that I won't ever lose and lots of transferable skills... BUT I always wanted something more. 

When I look back on my childhood, I was obsessed with making models from PlayDoh, old fashioned plasticine and later Fimo. I also loved art and doodling. I look back fondly on my tech classes, in particular woodwork and design (I can still remember the smell of the workshop) but I was encouraged to focus on Maths, English and Science and guess what... I became DISENGAGED.  I switched off and I can honestly say that I didn't enjoy education. I now know that I was set for a less academic path but because it wasn't nurtured I wasn't able to be my true self. I followed the traditional path, I did what I thought I should do and guess what, I got caught up in life! However, as most creative people know, it's never enough. There is always a void. 

So how do we break the cycle? Talking to my sister, she hit the nail on the head - we must nurture. Simple. You give people room to explore and grow, whilst giving them the tools to build a life regardless of whether they decide to proceed and use their talent or not. What is important is that even now, at 36 years old, I am learning that I need to do exactly that for myself as well as for my children. I am nurturing myself, allowing myself the time to grow and develop as a designer and creator and I have come across so many people who are also rediscovering their secret/hidden talents and starting to nurture them, realising that they can build a business doing the thing that they LOVE. 

Of course I understand the importance of subjects like Maths, English and Science... after all, I require knowledge in all three to run Soul Purpose Jewellery! However, I just wish that I would've known back then that I didn't need to sacrifice my creativity - these things should work side by side. Imagine the talent that has been missed because these people simply didn't know that you can indeed, have it all. 

Do you have a talent that you wish you would've pursued? 

Let me know - I would love to hear your experiences! 




  • Really could relate to this post and its responses… Fortunately for me, my Mumsy was a Creative Soul and always nurtured my artistic endeavours… She herself was a poet. Unfortunately, our extended family had no real appreciation for our talented skill and she was touted the rebellious maverick… in turn I tried to be all they expected (a doctor or a lawyer) unsuccessfully – because that’s not my calling yet still get swamped by self doubt because I’m not as ‘successful’ as they understand success… We are all on a purposeful Journey… What a beautiful world it’d be if we all walked the path that was actually true to our Core! Hope to see you soon! ☝🏾💛

  • Hit the nail on the head absolutely. I am still stuck in my ‘vicious circle’ of not knowing how to focus or choose what to actually pursue. So many things I love doing (especially creative and helping others whether that vibe in a care setting or even a support act in a team). How to break out of that mental rutt and just settle on something is my major challenge. Love your work, knowledge and attitude. Xxx

  • Yes! Love this and feel similarly. Millennial Fudge is my creative outlet now and I have so many ideas of how I’d like to grow that and turn it into a potential business. Just need to get rid of the self-doubt and ‘oh it’ll never make enough money’ mindset which is very hard.

    Sophie Smith

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